
John & Marie Abeita

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John and Marie Abeita have been married for 50 years and have attended FBCS for over 25 of them!  John was saved during the alter call at a Power Team evangelical event.  Marie was led to salvation by her brother who encouraged her pray to the creator instead of His creation.  Coming from a Catholic background, her interest in Jesus as Savior began to grow and grow, and through the influence of her brother, came to know Christ in a personal way.

The Abeitas decided to visit FBCS after seeing the sign as they drove by.  They heard Pastor Dannie Fisher deliver the Word, were blown away by the truth that they heard, and immediately felt it should be there church home.  They both were later baptized at FBCS, as have several of their grandchildren, and two of their sons have been married there as well.

John is retired from RTD, and now works doing handyman work for several rental homes.  Marie is a former teller supervisor for a credit union.  They both continue to serve the body of Christ through maintenance, Women’s Ministry, and other areas of service.

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